Friday, November 28, 2008

Using Subway Trains to Create Reef

The New York Transit Authority has a program that retrofits old subway trains into artificial reefs. 
The square meter density of fish appears to have been multiplied par 400, boosting the habitat and the local recreational fishing, generating millions for states such as Delaware.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008


A message from Adam P.

Hello all,

This week boasts three urban planning-related events I am attending and would encourage you to do the same.


On Tuesday at 20h00 there is a screening of Radiant City at Cinema Politica, McGill. Read about it here:

It's a 2006 film showing a side of the suburbanite life, and boasts appearances from your favorite vitriolic urban critic, James Howard Kunstler, among others. It's Canadian and comedic. I will head down from our 4th floor hangout at around 19h40, if you would like to join me.


On Friday at 19h30, there will be a world premiere screening of Roadsworth: Crossing the Line at Cinema Politica Concordia. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this event, and I would be glad to go with you. Read about it here: It is also part of Montreal's International Documentary Film Festival.

SYNOPSIS - ROADSWORTH CROSSING THE LINE: Over a period of three years, the stencil artist Peter Gibson, aka Roadsworth, made his mark on Montreal in the early hours of the morning by launching a self-described "attack on the streets."


On Saturday 22 November, there will be an event called Street Dog. It should be a lot of fun! Read the flyer text below.

A celebration of bikes and biking. Open to all bikes and riders.
Une célébration du cyclisme et des cyclistes. Ouvert à tous les vélos.

Alleycat races not your style? A Street Dog Street Meet might be more your cup of tea.
Scavenger Hunt. Race. Prizes. Party.

November 22nd 2008
Registration and Pre-race activities 12-2pm @ Parc La Fontaine (corner Brébeuf and Rachel).
Race 2-5 pm.
Gathering and Film 6:30 pm @ 1757 Amherst.

To pre-register or for info:
Les courses "alleycat" vous intimident? Alors peut-être qu'une rencontre Street Dog vous fera plaisir.
Rallye/Chasse au trésor. Course. Prix. Fête.

Le 22 novembre 2008
Enregistrement et activités d'avant course 12-2pm
au Parc La Fontaine (coin Brébeuf and Rachel).
Course 2-5 pm.
Rassemblement et Film 6:30 pm @ 1757 Amherst.

Pour préenregistrement ou pour information:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ice, bling & bobby

We've been witnessing the world wide financial meltdown triggered by the American mortgage crisis, but how is it affecting you and me, and the English Bobbies?
In this week-end's New York Times, Friedman takes a look at the effect of the Icelandic meltdown (no pun intended) and how some 120 English municipalities, universities and police departments can no longer access their savings... :

"So think about it: Some mortgage broker in Los Angeles gives subprime “liar loans” to people who have no credit ratings so they can buy homes in Southern California. Those flimsy mortgages get globalized through the global banking system and, when they go sour, they eventually prompt banks to stop lending, fearful that every other bank’s assets are toxic, too. The credit crunch hits Iceland, which went on its own binge. Meanwhile, the police department of Northumbria, England, had invested some of its extra cash in Iceland, and, now that those accounts are frozen, it may have to reduce street patrols this weekend."

Florida comes up to talk to Montreal

Richard Florida published an editorial in the Gazette about Montreal a couple of days ago.
The author of "The Rise of the Creative Class" and "Who's Your City?" praised our metropole for its resourcefulness in this time of financial crisis. If you're lazy, you can also skip to Spacing Montreal's article on Florida's piece. The Montreal Mirror also wrote an interest piece about Richard 3 years ago, it's still up on the net if you want to check it out.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Demonstration – No to Harper and the Conservatives!

October 5 2008 | 12h30 | Square Dorchester - metro Peel

A march followed by guest speakers.

When: Sunday October 5 at 12h30
Start: Gathering at Square Dorchester (métro Peel; angle rue Peel et boulevard René-Lévesque), in Montréal
Finish: Place des arts
Speakers: Emmanuel Bilodeau and other guest speakers

This event is organized by the following groups: Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), Collectif Échec à la guerre, Conseil central des syndicats nationaux de Montréal, Conseil national des chômeurs et chômeuses, Conseil régional FTQ Montréal métropolitain, D'Abord Solidaires, Front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU), L'R des centres de femmes du Québec, Syndicat des professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec (SPGQ), Table régionale des organismes communautaires et bénévoles de la Montérégie (TROC-M), Table des regroupements provinciaux d'organismes communautaires et bénévoles (TRPOCB)

Click on the links below for more information (in French only):
Les coupures, ca tue la culture

Manifestation - Non aux politiques conservatrices!

5 octobre 2008 | 12h30 | Square Dorchester - metro Peel

Grande marche suivie d'un spectacle et de déclarations engagées pour faire avancer la société!

Quand : Dimanche le 5 octobre à 12h30
Départ : Rassemblement au Square Dorchester (métro Peel; angle rue Peel et boulevard René-Lévesque), à Montréal
Arrivée : Place des arts
Animation : Emmanuel Bilodeau et d'autres artistes invités surprises

Un événement organisé par une large coalition de groupes sociaux, culturels et syndicaux : Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), Collectif Échec à la guerre, Conseil central des syndicats nationaux de Montréal, Conseil national des chômeurs et chômeuses, Conseil régional FTQ Montréal métropolitain, D'Abord Solidaires, Front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU), L'R des centres de femmes du Québec, Syndicat des professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec (SPGQ), Table régionale des organismes communautaires et bénévoles de la Montérégie (TROC-M), Table des regroupements provinciaux d'organismes communautaires et bénévoles (TRPOCB)

Click on the links below for more information:
Les coupures, ca tue la culture

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is september over already? What happened?

As we're gradually getting bogged down in studio, it's nice to take a break, and informative ones at that.

New Geography did a piece on what could be best called Neo New Urbanism, or how Americans wont give up on cars yet. Anyway, see (or read) for yourselves.

A little bit more fun is Jaime Lerner, from Curitiba Brazil. He'll explain how he sees the city as turtle and how the car is like your mother in law. What's not to like?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School

Well I hope everybody had a great summer, now it's time to slave away again to finally add that MUP acronym on our resumes and stay up until 2 AM looking for precedents / drawing a cross section / last minute visions!

To start off the year, I'll invite you guys to check out this pig city and let me know what you think about it!

It's also time to welcome the first years, who will be attending the orientation session on August 28th. Don't worry we'll take care of you...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gregory from the 2006-2008 class just starting this blog looking at farmers' markets across Canada. It has links on how to find farmers' markets and will also include a comprehensive list of relevant journal articles.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The ultimate website about Montreal

Unfortunately this site wasn't available while I was writing my SRP, it would have made things much easier!

Anyway, I am happy that it is there now because, even if some parts are to be completed, it is the best resource I can think of for Montreal's history and architecture.
It's made by Heritage Montreal and it's called

There are three sections: neighbourhoods, bridges and 'off circuits'. The neighbourhood section is very rich: the most important buildings are described in each area, but - most interestingly - public spaces and public art are analyzed too.



Tuesday, April 8, 2008

German vision of transportation

This was done by City of Munster back in the day to illustrate how our transportation choices affect how we occupy the city in terms of space. Thanks Shannon for the link!

Streetscape variations...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fight Blight, go Blue?

Rotterdam has developed a new strategy for fighting blight and unwanted graffiti.
Planetizen wrote an article about it here

By Florentijn Hofman

But the question is how long will it last? Will graffitis reappear? Or will these buildings become landmarks? And how hard is it to take off that coat of painting anyway?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

From Lionel to Oscar

Following Oscar Peterson's passing away, a growing number of Montrealers have been supporting the idea of nenaming the Lionel Groux station in his honor.
Want to help this cause? You can go to City Hall and be vocal about it next tuesday:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Smart Growth Has In Mind for Baby Boomer:

You can read the rest of this article on

Baby Boomers Projected to Reshape Housing Market -- Again

Born between 1946 and 1964, the nation's 80 million of ''baby boomers'' are projected to reshape its housing market ''as they sell their three-bedroom houses in the suburbs for new homes more in keeping with both their active lifestyles and the encroaching realities of age,'' and Maine towns and cities better be ready to face the challenges and to seize the opportunities, states the Kennebec Journal, quoting Smart Growth America Communication Director David Goldberg, who expects some boomers to settle on hobby farms but many to seek walkable town centers, and who stresses the need ''to think in terms of mixed uses'' and more housing for both the affluent and those on fixed incomes...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Montreal Indoor Freezing

Juste like the NYC Central Station stunt, a bunch of people met and froze on saturday feb, 23rd at precisley 18h15... and I was one of them! My roommate filmed a minute or so of it, so here's a little video, but a Concordia student will be posting much better stuff soon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Notre-Dame Highway Project: Can we avoid this failure?

Sign the petition here. There will also be regular updates via rss on the right hand column of this blog.

Monday, February 18, 2008

GreenDating Second Edition - Networking Night

This will take place thursday evening, and from what I understood, it's going to be packed. The 8$ at the door should be well spent if you want to meet professionals. So don't forget to bring you business cards and laundry peg (don't ask)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Already February!

My, my, oh my, January went so fast, I haven't had the time to update you folks!
Thanks to Lauren, Danielle and Shannon, I do have some nice little links to display for the time being.
For the landscape lovers who are up to here with the jargon, you'll be able to have a laugh out of it right here
Looking to know how walkable is your study area? Shannon recommends WalkScore

Finally, Danielle sent me an interesting link on this californian project where a local organization wants to transform Alcatraz into a Global Peace Center.

From what I saw online, the project is ambitious and kind of appealing on paper, but visually speaking, it's like seeing tie-die getting upgraded to web 2.0.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Creative City Network of Canada

"An organization of people employed by municipalities across Canada working on arts, culture and heritage policy, planning, development and support."
Here's their latest newlestter

Le site est bilingue, mais pour l'équivalent au Québec, il faut aller voir Les arts et la ville

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Shadow Cities

Robert Neuwirth's look on shanty towns. The last five minutes are particularly interesting for planners.