Friday, November 28, 2008

Using Subway Trains to Create Reef

The New York Transit Authority has a program that retrofits old subway trains into artificial reefs. 
The square meter density of fish appears to have been multiplied par 400, boosting the habitat and the local recreational fishing, generating millions for states such as Delaware.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008


A message from Adam P.

Hello all,

This week boasts three urban planning-related events I am attending and would encourage you to do the same.


On Tuesday at 20h00 there is a screening of Radiant City at Cinema Politica, McGill. Read about it here:

It's a 2006 film showing a side of the suburbanite life, and boasts appearances from your favorite vitriolic urban critic, James Howard Kunstler, among others. It's Canadian and comedic. I will head down from our 4th floor hangout at around 19h40, if you would like to join me.


On Friday at 19h30, there will be a world premiere screening of Roadsworth: Crossing the Line at Cinema Politica Concordia. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this event, and I would be glad to go with you. Read about it here: It is also part of Montreal's International Documentary Film Festival.

SYNOPSIS - ROADSWORTH CROSSING THE LINE: Over a period of three years, the stencil artist Peter Gibson, aka Roadsworth, made his mark on Montreal in the early hours of the morning by launching a self-described "attack on the streets."


On Saturday 22 November, there will be an event called Street Dog. It should be a lot of fun! Read the flyer text below.

A celebration of bikes and biking. Open to all bikes and riders.
Une célébration du cyclisme et des cyclistes. Ouvert à tous les vélos.

Alleycat races not your style? A Street Dog Street Meet might be more your cup of tea.
Scavenger Hunt. Race. Prizes. Party.

November 22nd 2008
Registration and Pre-race activities 12-2pm @ Parc La Fontaine (corner Brébeuf and Rachel).
Race 2-5 pm.
Gathering and Film 6:30 pm @ 1757 Amherst.

To pre-register or for info:
Les courses "alleycat" vous intimident? Alors peut-être qu'une rencontre Street Dog vous fera plaisir.
Rallye/Chasse au trésor. Course. Prix. Fête.

Le 22 novembre 2008
Enregistrement et activités d'avant course 12-2pm
au Parc La Fontaine (coin Brébeuf and Rachel).
Course 2-5 pm.
Rassemblement et Film 6:30 pm @ 1757 Amherst.

Pour préenregistrement ou pour information: